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About Us

Our Mission

We are dedicated to curing spinal cord injury by advancing innovative research and improving the quality of life for individuals and families impacted by paralysis.

Read Our History


So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.

Christopher Reeve

About Christopher ReeveAbout Dana ReeveOur History

1 in 50

People in the United States live with paralysis

Explore more key stats about paralysis

Our Core Beliefs

  • We believe in empowering those affected by paralysis with the best knowledge, resources and support.
  • We believe that every story is unique.
  • We believe in the power of “we” not “me”. We believe you should not be alone.
  • We believe that people with paralysis have a right to a life with dignity.
  • We believe in cures that improve and enhance “lives well-lived”.
  • We believe in a diversity of research done collaboratively and responsibly without impediment.

About the Reeve Foundation

Our Team

Meet the Leadership Team responsible for upholding and advancing our mission.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors provides the overarching vision to keep the Reeve Foundation moving forward.


Make a difference. Join our team to apply your expertise and talent while developing a rewarding career.


As a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, all contributions are fully tax-deductible.

From the Newsroom

Get a better understanding of our pioneering mission and programs.

From Rolling Stone to the Today show, see the Foundation in the news.

Browse reports, research, and brochures to find out more about our mission.

Thoughts from Reeve Foundation leadership and our Board of Directors.

Charity Ratings

The Reeve Foundation is extremely grateful for the financial contributions from supporters. We have a deep commitment to being excellent stewards of these funds and to being accountable and transparent to our valued partners.

Read more about our charity ratings