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Press Releases

As Summer Begins, ‘Outdoors for Everyone’ Provides Water Accessibility Resources for Those Living with Paralysis and…

New educational video series offers insights into disability rights and self-advocacy for individuals living with paraly…

In observance of Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month, the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation launched the ‘Outdoors fo…

Inaugural Event on June 29, 2023, at the Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine…

Majority of Americans underestimate the prevalence of individuals living with paralysis; most also believe family caregi…

Special class series led by Peloton Instructor and Adaptive Training Specialist, Logan Aldridge, and co-created with exp…

Coppla to Advance Foundation’s Dual Mission with Data-Driven Approach…

Published research from Peabody College and the Reeve Foundation highlights the perspectives of the paralysis community …

Latest edition offers updated information to assist Spanish-speaking communities to navigate life after paralysis…

This two-day in-person event will gather the paralysis community on many vital topics…

Marco Baptista, Ph.D., to Accelerate R&D in Search for Cures for Spinal Cord Injury and Paralysis…

Regina Blye to serve as Chief Program and Policy Officer; Jamil Paden announced as the Foundation first Racial a…

Congress has passed the FY22 appropriations bill increasing funding for the National Paralysis Resource Center….

People with disabilities who need catheters face significant challenges in getting health insurers to adequately cover t…

The Preeminent Spinal Cord Injury Nonprofit Honors Founders as it Sets Sights on Innovative Convergence of Science, Tech…

The Hope Happens Here campaign, created to acknowledge and honor Christopher Reeve’s 25 years post-spinal cord injury,…

Reeve Foundation and ISRT alliance join to fund science focused on novel circuit formation…

Kakana and Reeve National Paralysis Resource Center Offer Accessible Fitness Education and Programming for the P…

Published survey data conducted sheds light on the paralysis community’s perspectives on the COVID-19 vaccine. Learn m…

New leadership to foster community, care and cures…

Grantees include clinics, national parks, and adaptive sports facilities…

Administration for Community Living renews cooperative agreement to expand services and programs for people living with …

La Fundaci de Christopher & Dana Reeve presenta el lanzamiento de sus nuevas pginas web de recursos de infor…

The Reeve Foundation presents the launch of their new international information resource website pages, offered through …

Living with Paralysis and Caring for a Family Member Living with Paralysis Online Meetings Aim to Combat Social Isolatio…

The Reeve Foundation is pleased to announce the publication of the fifth edition of the Paralysis Resource Guide…

Cultivating Resilience After Spinal Cord Injury…

Kicking off April 27, 2021, the three-day virtual summit will bring together hundreds of health professionals, advocates…

On behalf of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation Board of Directors and staff, we announce Peter Wilderotter…

Collaboration with Houston-based Spinal Surgeon Paralyzed in Biking Accident to Fund Research Toward Cures and Quality o…

Jay Shepard to lead Foundation efforts to accelerate most promising functional recovery/care research toward cur…

Three-Day Event Will Galvanize Thought Leaders, Researchers and Community Members Around Topics That Will Change the Cul…

In celebration of the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation announ…

Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation Announces 100,000 Families have Received One-on-One Assistance through the Paralysis…

The Reeve Foundation launched ‘See Us’ to gather the largest collection of stories from individuals living with para…

Eric LeGrand will officially launch Team LeGrand, a partnership program with the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, du…

The National Paralysis Resource Center website is supported by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $10,000,000 with 100 percent funding by ACL/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, ACL/HHS, or the U.S. Government.