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Michael A. Hughes

Our friend and his legacy


The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation’s planned giving donors are part of a community named for our friend, mentor, and supporter, Michael A. Hughes.

When his son Greg was left paralyzed by an accident, Mike and his wife Helen decided to turn his family’s pain into positive, productive action. Volunteering time and business expertise, Mike and Helen helped to put the Reeve Foundation on a solid strategic footing. In 1999, the Hughes family made a significant gift that enabled the Reeve Foundation to expand its research program.

Mike passed away in 2007, but he leaves a legacy and imprint beyond measure, and two of his sons are carrying on where their father left off. His son Jack serves on the Reeve Foundation Board of Directors and Greg remains actively involved with a number of our programs.

To honor Mike’s generous, caring spirit, his name endures – etched in our hearts and on the community of other generous individuals who take that very special step of including the Reeve Foundation in their investment and estate plans.