Team LeGrand Golf Classic | July 14 | Register Now!


Our 2023 Supporters

The Reeve Foundation’s financial support helps scientists bridge the gap between their labs and the treatments that people living with paralysis urgently need. But these partnerships would not exist without the dedicated community members who believe in Reeve’s mission.

There are many ways you can help. Remember the Foundation with gifts in your will and help sustain our work for years to come. Grab a friend or family member and join a Team Reeve event. Or simply give what you can. Every amount helps us continue the critical work of advancing innovative treatments for spinal cord injuries.

A N T Nursery Inc
Dwight Aarons
Abbott Laboratories
Robert and Annmarie Adamo
Giuseppe Alagna
Andante Allegro Foundation
Edrington America
American Express Matching Gift Program
Anschutz Entertainment Group, Inc
Iqbal Anwar
Apixio Inc
Richard and Sue Aronoff
Isaac and Deborah Ash
Jonathan Ash
Jon and Helaine Ayers
B.C.B Community Bank
Elizabeth Bacot
David Bainbridge
David M. and Barbara Baldwin Foundation Inc.
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Barnes Family Foundation
Rachel Bartley
Shane and Boone Bartlome
Alan Baum
Baumol Family Foundation Inc
Bayada Home Health Care
Kennedy Bayer
Burdette Beckmann, Inc
Elizabeth Bergeron
Debbie Berghorst
Adam Bergman
Leslie Bergstrom
Michael Bernstein
Frederick Bertino
Linda D. Bicks
William and Sammy Biondi
Richard Bishop
Alexandra Blaszczuk
Rosanne Bloomer
Tom and Roseanne Bloomer
Darren Boghosian
Bohler Engineering NJ, LLC
Brian Borg
Adrienne Marco and Stan Borinski
Louis Borrelli
Ralph Boswell
Randy Boswell
David Braka
Jason H. Brauth
Kathleen Bridgman
Bridgman Charitable Fund
Marlen Brito
Jessica Broocke
M&D Brooks Fund
Elisabeth Brown
Jack Brown
Robert Bruning
Tim Bryan
Sarah Bumpers
Rick Van Buren
Steven and Linda Burrell
Kathleen Butler
Butterfly Network
Karen Butz
Jim and Colette Calbi
Jay and Sari Canell
Neil and Loren Canell
Michael Capasso
T. Caplow
Anthony Caporrino
Goodway Cares
Jon and Sally Carlson
Sam and Judi Carroll
Charlene Caswell
CBS Broadcasting
Stockard Channing
Charles Foundation, Inc.
Spencer Chavez
Sarah Chomiak
John Christianson
Barbara and Gilbert Church
John Ciniglio
Dorothy Clark
William and Margaret Cobb
Gerald Cohen
Kari Cohen
Meredith Cohen
Carol Leslie and Ellen Cohen
Denis P. Coleman III
Commerce Park Investors
Marcus Connelly
Timothy Connors
Conquer Paralysis Now
Dylan Cooper
Lillian and Curtis Cooper
Jennifer Cotter
Thomas Cotter
Rebecca Cranford
Narvel J. Crawford, Jr.
Creative Artists Agency (CAA)
Kimberly Crosby
Britteny and Louis Csaszar
Curtis O’Hara Foundation
Jesse Cutler
D.I.C.E. Foundation
Donald and Katharine T. Dahler
Christopher and Anastasia Daifotis
John and Norah Daly
Drs. Richard and Marian Damewood
Paul Danforth
Anthony Davis
Jeffrey Davis
James Day
Nathaniel Dean
Rob DeAngelis
Jeff Deline
Rick DeRose
Lynne Diamond
Jonathan Dietz
Robert A. Dilworth Fund
Anthony DiMarco
Anthony Dimun
Lorraine DiPaolo
Direct Urgent Care
Donald E. Fike Family Foundation
Donnelly Construction Inc.
William J. Dore, Sr.
Michael and Regina Dowd
Angela Renee Driskill
Nicholas Drysdale
The Dubin Family
Jeff Duncan
Charles and Nancy Dunn
Brett Dunne
Ian and Alisa Eagle
Kristen Earle
Lee Einsidler
Kyle Elliott
James Elrod
Edward A. Emerson
Brian Endres
Eric Muhlrad Foundation
Aaron Essner
Estate of Jennifer Rand Cerasoli
Evercore Wealth Management, LLC
Exec-Comm LLC
F. M. Kirby Foundation
Wyc Grousbeck and Emilia Fazzalari 
Eric Felder
Todd Fennell
Adam Buchsbaum and Mary Fernandez
Carlos Fernandez-Aller
Sean and Jennifer Flanagan
Thomas Fontana
Forensic Failure Analysis
Forst Family Foundation
Fortis Protection Group LLC
Colleen Fowler, Michael Fowler, and the Fowler Family
John Freeland
William French
Carol Frick
Lloyd Friedland
Lloyd Frischer
Jennifer Gallagher
John and Cyndi Ganahl
Mary Gandesbery
Donna Spinoso-Gelb and Jeremy Gelb
Thom Germano
Jeffrey Gerson
Dale Giali
Christopher Gilbert
Alexandra Reeve Givens and Garren Givens
Dell Giving
Andrew Goldberg
Mark and Margaret Goldberg
Darren Lumbard and Samantha Good
Andrew and Myra Goodman
Lori and Rob Goodman
Google Inc
Cindy Granath
Elizabeth Gray Trust
Steven Greenberg
Michael Greenberg
John Wesley Griffin
Luiz and Sandra Gross
Miriam Guanche
Beth Guillaumin
James and Helen Haber
Brent Hall
Deborah Halliday
Sean Hannity
Matthew and Paula Hannon
Linda Hanscom
Wendy and George Hansen
Jeffrey T. Hanson
Hantgan-Zweiback Family Fund
Jane Harrington
Stephanie and Robin Harrison Fund
Abraham and Wendy Hases 2001 Inter Vivos Charitable Remainder Unitrust
Nathan and Aida Hasson
Edward Hauser
Amy and Robert Heinrich Fund
Angel and Michael Heinz
Hal and Sandy Henderson
Pamela Henline
Scott Herman
William Herrin
Ariel Herrmann
Hershey Family Fund of The Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region
Susan and Ronald Higgins
Adam and Jessica Hirsch
Aimee and Daniel Hofmann
Hollister Incorporated
Katie Hopkins
Horizon Therapeutics
Craig and Andrea Horowitz
Howell Township Police Athletic League
Elsie Huey
John Huff
Terri Humes
Jeff Hunter Charitable Trust
Estate of Delores M. Hyde
Leonora S. Ianuzzi
Paul Illingworth
Intact Insurance
Hoy Iturbide Family Fund
Jesse Itzler
J. Rubin Family Foundation
Jack R. Linsky Foundation
Susan Jacklin
Nitin Jagga
JDC Energy Services, LLC
JDS Sports
Arthur Jenkins, MD
Eric Jobnston
Jay and Cindy Joel
Barbara Johnson
Beverly and Brodie Johnson
Kevin Pitney Johnson
Elizabeth Higgins Jones
Paul and Sonia Jones
JP Morgan Chase
Frank Kalata
Andrew Kandel
Kane Family Foundation
Edward H. Kaplan Revocable Trust
Samantha Karofsky
David Katz
Dr. Randy and Sharon Katz
Matthew Kaufman
Kevin Kavanagh
The Kean Foundation Inc
Jeanne Keenan
Jim and Bronwen Kelly
Dennis Kelly
Shiobian Kelly
Robert Kennedy Charitable Fund
Mary Kennon
Kessler Foundation
KeyBank Foundation
Mareill Kiernan
Peter and Eaddo Kiernan
Erin Kinahan
Richard Kind
Susheel Kirpalani
Stephen and Michele Klausner Charitable Fund
Will Klos
Edward Knight
James Knowles
Karen Knudson
Peter Kosann
Stephen Kramer
The Morris J Kramer Memorial Trust
Eryn Kubinski
Gina Kuhns
Melissa Lafranchise
Michael and Dana Laidhold
Denise Landset
John Langley
Stephanie Lary
Ralph Lauren
Michelle Lavitt
David Lawn
Richard League
Eric LeGrand Whiskey
Jules Leibman
Brandon Lennox
Frank Leonard
Peter Lettre
Gary LeVan
Ashley Levine
David Levine
Mr. Michael Levine and Dr. Alyson Levine
David Levy
Jesse and Michelle Lieberman
Lineage Cell Therapeutics, Inc.
Evan Linn
James Linus
Catherine Listinsky
Beth Livers
Richard and Julie Lobel
Doris Kirchner and Ron Loeser
Luca M. Lombardi Annual Giving Fund
Thomas and Nancy Londres
Longo Electrical-Mechanical, Inc
Brad Lorimier
Larry and Janice Lowder
Lucky 13 Foundation Inc.
Kenneth and Debra Lurie
Ann Marie Lynch
Dennis Lynch
Michael Mackey
Macrae Family Fund
Macro Technology Group
Jack Madison
Carl Manna
Mark Messier Foundation Inc
Martha Washington Straus & Harry Straus Foundation, Inc.
David Marver
Mary N. Porter Designated Fund of the Community Foundation of Broward
John Massoni
Maturo Family Fund
Mark Mayper
Ruth Lind McClure
Jesse McConnell
John and Marie McConnell
Ms. Carolyn B. McCoy
Janet McCrory Trust
Elizabeth McCullough
McDermott Will & Emery Charitable Foundation
Sean McDonough
Ian and Connie McEwan
Ron and Linda McGimpsey
MCJ Amelior Foundation
Colleen and Colin McLane
Michael Meagher
Charles Meakem
Todd Meister
Deborah Mellen
Clifford Mendelson
Metzenberg Giving Fund
Linda Michael
Philip Michael
Jeffrey Michaels
Judith Michaelson
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
John and Nancy Miller
Carl Mills
Jennifer and David Millstone
Chris and Kori Mitchell Giving Fund
MLB Advanced Media
Henry Moczarski
Michael Mollin
Monroe Township Volunteer Fire Co.
Larry Marks and Gladys Monroy
Charles and Amy Montgomery
Barbara F. and Richard W. Moore Fund
Luke Moretti
Michael and Anne Moretti
Morgan Stanley Foundation
Wanda Mourant
MSG Entertainment Group, LLC
David Muccia
Mark Mulcahy
Kristen and Kaitlin Munnelly
Muscular Dystrophy Association of Champaign, IL
Musso Associates, LLC
Dean Myerow
William Napiecinski
Erik Nelson
Nelson Family Foundation
Network for Good
Neuco Inc
Jon and Julie Neustadt
Paul J. and Mary S. Neustadt Donor Advised Fund
Robert Neustadt
New Jersey Football Coaches Association
New York Life Ins. Co.
Melvin and Carol Newman
Rachel Newman
Michael Niccolini
O.C.A. Construction, Inc
Daniel and Jane Och
Richard and Noreen Oelkers
Eric O’Keefe
Michael and Kathleen O’Leary
Karen Olson
Kevin O’Neill
Onward Medical
Daniel and Elissa Ordan
James Paik
Ron Panzier
Mary Beth Paradise
Paragano Family Foundation
Rebecca Parsons
Pascarella Nursery LLC
Sonia Pedersen
Donna and Tom Perch
Mary Ann Peres
Permobil Foundation
Joseph Perreault
Pets over Paralysis
Rick and Regina Pettus
PGA Tour, Inc.
Scott Philbrick
Walter Piazza
Michael Piccirillo
Mark Pinney and Laura Kane
Alejandra and Antonio del Pino
Joaquín del Pino
Estate of Walter S. Place
Amy Platnick
Daniel Polatsch
Jason Port
Barry and Mona S. Portnoy Family Fund
Greg Portnoy
Suburban Propane
Danny and Zohar Prosky
Provident Bank
Prudential Financial Inc
PSEG Foundation
PSG Equity
Michael Pucci
Ralph and Ann Pucci
PsychoGenics Inc.
George Pyne
Frank Racaniello
Robin Raju
Donald Ramon
Estate of Elizabeth Rash
Jessica Raskin
Recrue Media, LLC
Will Reeve
Steven Reisman
Brenda and Hal Reiter
Jenna Remington
Scott Remington Family & Close Friends
Fred Rescigno
Robert Ritter
RJS Associates and Consultants
Robert & Eleanor Demple Family Foundation
Rochelle and David Hirsch Foundation
Sascha Rockefeller
Michael Rogan
Mark Romanczuk
Rosana Fleming Interior Design Inc
Leon Rose
Michael Rosenberg
Linda Rosenstock
Eric Roth
John and Lauren Roth
Kathy Rudolph-Shabinsky
Rutgers Unviersity
Dudley and Parish Ryan
Matthew Ryan
S&T Bank
Tim Sabo
Maheshwar Saireddy
Salad House Franchising LLC
Andy Sale
Jeff Samberg
Sandra and Joe Samberg
Patsy Sanchez
Elisabetta Nicotra and Nicolai Sarad
Tonni Von Schaumburg
Mitch Scherzer
Corey Schneider
Robert Schoenhaut
Scott Schrotenboer
Harry M. Schultz
Charles Schwartz
Estate of Dennis N Scoggins
Dawn Scott
Tara Scott
David Sculley
Jack Sebastian
Mark and Heather Segal
Margaret and Philip Sgariglia
Chris Sgouros
Samuel and Ellen Shapiro
Debra Shaw
Josh Shaw
Jay & Pamela Shepard
Lauren Shepard
Lewis H. Sherr
Andrew Siegel
Silver Mountain Foundation for the Arts
Richard Silverman
Simmons Family Foundation
David Simon
David Sloan
Robert Slocum Jr
Robert W. Smith
L. Britt Snider
Estate of Paul Sobel
Edith Sobel
Sohan Sahana Investments LTD
David Solomon
Albert Song
Lynn Southerly
Boston Red Sox
Melissa Speegle
Michael Spellman
Terry Spencer
Albert Song
Arnold Sperling
Seth Merrin and Chana Spielberg
Monika Srivastava
St. Joseph Regional H.S. Montvale
Ana Steele
Eric Steinert
Linda Sterling
Ellen B. Stern
Matt Stesel
Charlotte Stifel
Henry and Mary Stifel
Sindelar Stoltzfus Family Fund
Matthew Storm
Kimberlee Streiff
Jennifer Suleman
Stephanie Sun
Paul Szymanski
Agnes Tam
Michael and Mary Tangney
Lowell Taub
Tania and Philip Taylor
Elina Thadhani
The Alben F. Bates & Clara G. Bates Foundation
The Baco Che-Na-Wah Bazaar Foundation
The Boston Foundation
The Chilton Foundation
The Colleen Gilligan and David Gromala Charitable Giving Fund
The David B. Lynch Foundation
The David E. Reese Family Foundation
The John A. Rodger Jr. Foundation Inc.
The Lapin Foundation
The Marion and Norman Tanzman Foundation
The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts
The Raine Group LLC
The Richard L. Hirsch Foundation
The Roz & Marvin H. Weiner Family Foundation, Inc.
The Scotto Laporte Foundation
The Simon-Strauss Foundation
Chris Thomas
Thomas-Nyberg Family Foundation
Gerald Throop
TomKat Foundation
Toni Gallagher Interiors
Maryellen Tria
Eric Troesch
Marlene Tuch
Adrienne and Neil Tuch
Andrew Turchin
Margaret Ryan Turner, Ph.D.
Gary and Nicola Ubaldini
UHG – UnitedHealth Group
Lisa and Michael Ullmann
United States Land Resources
Anthony Vaccaro
Robert and Pat Volland
George Vorkas
Vandy and Betty Van Wagener
Wakefern Food Corporation
David Cruz Walma
Wal-Mart Foundation
Walt Disney Company
Walton E Burdick – Mary T Burdick Family Foundation
Caroline Watkins-Beyermann
Karrie Webb
Eileen Weber
Webster U. Walker Jr. Foundation
Elizabeth Weeks
Ron Weinberger
Jon Weiner
James & Virginia Welch Foundation
Dustin Wells
Welsh Family Foundation, Inc.
Richard and Kaye Westmark
Mark Whaling
Miriam Wheeler
Cliff and Deborah White Family Foundation
Will & Ann Eisner Family Foundation, Inc.
Cheryl Williams
Mr. W. Hanson Williams II, William Hanson Williams Advised Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee
The Robert W. Wilson Charitable Trust
Phillip and Judy Wilson
Tammy Abraham and Carey Wolchok
Edward Wolcott
Mary Kate Wold
Jeffrey & Debbie Wolpov
Wolpov Family Giving Fund
Sai and Yun Hua Wong
Sidley Austin Brown & Wood
Kristin and Jake Wurzak Family Fund
WWE, Inc
Zachary Wydra
Earle Yaffa
Robert Yant and Ann Kenowsky
Glenn & Marcie Yarnis
James M. Yeisley
Frederick Young and Marcia Thompson Young
Judi Young
William Young
Corinne Zanolli
Edward & Debbie Zebersky
Judd and Laura Zebersky
Jeffrey Zucker
Eugene Zweiback