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Military & Veterans Program (MVP)

For Service Men and Women

The Reeve Foundation’s Military & Veterans Program (MVP) extends expertise in spinal cord injury and paralysis to include resources and community connections for service men and women, as well as veterans living with paralysis, whether through combat-related, service-related, or non-service-related events.

“When my husband was spinal cord injured, the MVP staff assisted me in getting my husband qualified for VA services. Being able to get his equipment and specialty care is a relief.”

– Linda and Dave T.

How Do We Move Forward?

It’s a question asked by every individual living with paralysis and their caregivers. For current service members and veterans affected by mobility impairments, navigating the options and opportunities can seem overwhelming.

The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation can help.

Our Military & Veterans Program is designed to support the unique needs of all military service members – regardless of when you served or how your injury was obtained.

Our dedicated Information Specialists are professionally trained to assist anyone, from newly paralyzed individuals and their family members, to people who have lived with an injury for some time.

Adapting to life with paralysis is easier with help. Let us assist you in navigating your changing world and the services available to you so that you can gain higher levels of health, well-being, and independent living.

How We Can Help

With a wide array of information and expertise, we can help devise a personalized plan to get you back into your community and a place of well-being.

Medical Resources

  • Medical information – Hospitals, rehabilitation and equipment
  • Military benefits – Medicare, Medicaid and more
  • Civilian programs – Medical options outside military programs
  • Basic care – Personal health and care information

Quality of Life Resources

We’re here to help you connect to the information and resources you need. Please contact us today at [email protected] or 1-866-962-8387.

Download our Military & Veterans Program (MVP) brochure.

Download the chapter on Military and Veterans from our Paralysis Resource Guide.

Download Military and Veterans Benefits:
Part 1: Military status types as regards benefits
Part 2: Determining eligibility and other benefits

MVP Program Overview

The Military and Veteran Program (MVP) provides a host of support and programs to help servicemen and women connect with military services, programs, and benefits. This overview will show you how the MVP can help you achieve a productive, healthy, and meaningful life after paralysis.

Military Benefits Overview

The military benefits available to servicemen and women are plentiful but sometimes getting through the paperwork can be overwhelming. The Reeve Foundation provides this user-friendly overview that summarizes well-known benefits, as well as lesser known ones, such as clothing allowances and housing grants.

Benefit Eligibility/ Guide to Benefit Eligibility/ Determining Benefit Eligibility

Learn how eligibility is decided for military benefits with examples and basic determining factors. Get acquainted with the Reeve Foundation’s complete and personalized evaluation of benefits eligibility for military benefits.

Applying for VA Benefits/ VA Benefits Eligibility

Avoid the frustration, confusion, and loss of benefits by learning about the Veteran Administration (VA) benefits eligibility tools. Also, learn how the Reeve Foundation’s VA benefits experts can help you navigate the system and maximize your benefits.

Further Resources for Veterans

The National Paralysis Resource Center website is supported by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $10,000,000 with 100 percent funding by ACL/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, ACL/HHS, or the U.S. Government.