International support
Paralysis Resource Center Mission
The Paralysis Resource Center (PRC) is the support side of the Reeve Foundation’s twin missions to provide “Today’s Care” and to strive for “Tomorrow’s Cure”. We are a free, comprehensive, international source of informational support for people living with paralysis and their caregivers. Our primary goals are to foster involvement in the community, promote health and improve quality of life.
Our information specialists are trained to help anyone – from newly paralyzed individuals and their family members, to persons who have lived with disabilities for quite some time – as they attempt to navigate their changing world and the services available to them. We pull from a wide array of information and expertise to devise personalized plans and approaches to getting individuals living with paralysis back into their communities and a place of well-being quickly.
The breadth and depth of our knowledge and connections spans multiple languages, as well as everything from what to expect in rehab, to the best equipment exchange programs, to the latest in spinal cord research.
Español (Spanish)
中文 (Chinese)
日本語 (Japanese)
한국어 (Korean)
- (한국어) 마비 관련 인기 주제
- 방광 관리
- 배변 관리
- 통증 관리
- 경직 관리
- 마비 후 성생활과 생식 건강
- 압력 손상 & 피부 관리
- 장애인 취업
- 집으로의 퇴원 준비
- 마비와 함께 육아하기
- 마비가 있는 사람들을 위한 응급 상황 대비책
- 마비가 있는 사람들을 위한 장애인 스포츠와 레크리에이션
Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
Tagalog (Tagalog)
हिंदी (Hindi)
En Francais (French)
ру́сский язы́к (Russian)
- دليل مصادر الشلل
- الآباء من ذوي الإعاقة
- التعايش مع الشلل
- التعايش مع الشلل
- إدارة األمعاء
- إدارة التشنّ ج
- إلى المنزل التحضير لالنتقال
- الحياة الجنسية والصحة اإلنجابية بعد الشلل
- إدارة األلم